Water Testing & Equipment Hire

Water Testing - Electrical Conductivity (Salinity) and pH

Salinity is an important measure for agricultural and natural waters and is the measure of the mass of dissolved solids in a given mass of water. The direct method to do this is time consuming and cannot yield the precision for accurate work. Therefore, to determine salinity practicably, indirect measurements such as conductivity is used. The unit of measurement commonly used for Conductivity is the Siemens /cm (S/cm).

Wherever quality of water needs to be maintained, conductivity measurements need to be made to ensure appropriateness of water quality. Gillamii offers free EC and pH water testing at our Cranbrook office, using an AD32 probe from Perth Scientific. It is important to note that the testing offered at Gillamii is only an indication, with the AD32 probe having the following range, resolution and accuracy. If a scientifically accurate measure is required, samples should always be sent to a NATA accredited laboratory.


Conductivity in Water and/or Soil should be regularly monitored along with pH and oxygen content to account for changes occurring the various seasonal and farming cycles.

To understand what the approximate upper salinity limits are for livestock and plants, please follow the link to our soil and water converter.


Revegetation NRM Officer Consultation

Are you looking at revegetating your property?

Is it to establish fodder shrubs for sustainable livestock grazing?

Or shelter belts for livestock protection?

Do you want to protect your properties biodiversity through fencing off waterways, remnant bushland or to create fauna corridors?

Or combat water logging/salinity in the farming landscape?

Whatever the reason, it is important to take the time and do a site assessment. An aerial photograph showing the site and adjacent landscape features/habitats such as remnant vegetation, wetlands and existing fencing, together with a physical dig to find out the soil types, is important information to gather to help you develop a good holistic revegetation design. Gillamii NRM Officers can assist you with design including site preparation, identification of your local species selection, quantities of seed and/or seedlings, planting techniques and pest control. Soil water monitoring using EM38 and advice from a hydrologist may be recommended for more challenging sites.

A local guide on revegetating within our catchment area can be found here.

Don’t forget when visiting sites ensure boots, tyres and equipment is clean to prevent the spread of dieback (Phytophthora cinnamomi)


Equipment Available for Hire: